Addiction & Behavioural Health ConsultaNCY SERVICES
Spero is latin for HOPE and that is what Graham brings to his clients.
Graham Freeman is a certified Counsellor, Addiction Therapist, Recovery Coach, drug/alcohol Intervention specialist and a personal fitness coach. He has over 21 years experience working closely with individuals and their families in their battle with addiction and behavioural health challenges. He further provides a safe transportation service to and from treatment centres in both the UK and overseas.
Having worked voluntarily and professionally in this field for over 25 years, Graham has had the privilege of assisting countless individuals into recovery. Observing individuals and their families recover from the devastating effects of alcoholism and other addictions is his passion in life.
Many of us during our lives feel we have lost our way and become depressed and highly demotivated. This can greatly affect our mental and behavioural health. Graham consults with individuals and families in overcoming these challenges and provides a new way of looking at their lives and to move forward in a more rewarding and authentic way.

An intervention can halt the downward spiral of addiction and be the first step towards bringing a loved one back from the destructive nature of their illness and restore them to the person that is loved by family and friends. An intervention is the most effective technique that families can use to help a loved one suffering from chemical or behavioural dependency into long term recovery.
A properly orchestrated intervention by a highly qualified professional interventionist will provide a change in the life of everyone involved with an addicted person. Friends, business associates and family members are shown how to work together compassionately to allow a suffering individual to see the effect their addiction is having not just on themselves but on those around them.

Graham will meet with family, friends and work colleagues of the addict and he will explain how the intervention process will work and what each individuals roles and responsibilities will be in order to carry out a successful non-judgemental and compassionate intervention.
Graham's carefully planned and honest approach to Interventions have an extremely high success rate in facilitating your loved ones first step into recovery.
Prior to a successful intervention taking place Graham will consult with the family and a detoxification and rehabilitation facility will be agreed upon. All aspects will be considered and discussed. This will include the geographic location, the financial consideration and most importantly the level of clinical excellence provided for your loved one or friend.
Once the facility has been discussed and agreed upon, Graham will liaise with the admissions staff of the chosen rehabilitation centre for a smooth and trouble free admission.
The first months of recovery are riddled with many emotions including self doubt, isolation, guilt, and a strong desire to relapse. Graham understands this and he believes a Recovery Coach can be crucial during this period of recovery. As an experienced Recovery Coach Graham understands what his clients are going through and can offer practical advice. He further assists them with medical, legal and family issues and to ensure they attend and accompany them to 12 step recovery meetings when and where appropriate.
Long term recovery from addictions can not be left to chance. It is paramount for the addict to embrace their new life in recovery. With this in mind we will formulate together a long term recovery plan and a relapse prevention strategy which will identify trigger situations and how to avoid them. We will agree goal objectives in both their personal and work life, in order to maintain positive change in their new life in long term recovery.

" Graham is also the Co-Founder and Relationship Development Director for The Wilderness Programme,
This is a charity promoting physical,mental and spiritual health and wellbeing"
For further information please go to our website at www.thewildernessprogramme.org